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At what time does astronomical observation start ?There is no fixed or predefined time at which we start stargazing. We adapt to the light outside and start the activity when the sky is dark. In summer, it is usually 10:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. that we start the astronomy evening, while between May and June, we start more around midnight. The length of the days is not the same all year round. In any case, Joseph Mordelet, astronomer of the site, whose astronomy evening is the activity he directs, takes care to notify you when the observation begins. He waits for the arrival of each person before starting. There won’t be any stragglers. Also, the overall activity begins before nightfall. Tiphaine Sonn, singer musician performs some compositions and improvisations with her instruments, the time that each person participating in the evening arrives and takes place. Once everyone is present, the evening begins ; first with an introduction with projections of astrophotography and time lapses, of the "conference" type, all punctuated by musical improvisations, then once the night has become very dark, we then head towards the large telescope to begin the stargazing.
Is it necessary to already have a solid knowledge of astronomy to participate in an astronomy and music evening ?All curious about the sky are welcome to our scientific events, even the most novice in the field. There is no need to have any real knowledge to enjoy an evening of astronomy and music. Joseph Mordelet, the site astronomer is passionate and will answer all your questions.
Is solar observation possible ?Yes. When the weather conditions during the day are favourable, the transparency of the sky and the solar activity allow it, we can observe our star using a dedicated instrument, namely a 60 mm H-alpha Lunt telescope allowing the complete observation of the sun (sunspots, granulation and the brightest prominences at the same time). WARNING ! Observing the sun is dangerous (risk of permanent eye burns) ! It must be performed only with specific instruments ! NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN WITH : - Binoculars - A long view - Glasses - A telescope - Especially not with SLR CAMERA ! Or any optical instrument (including the naked eye).
I would like to take astro photos with my camera, is this possible ?Yes. If you have a DSLR, or a Canon, Nikon or Sony hybrid, we have the adapter rings for mounting it on the telescope. You can then take your pictures of the Moon or even some deep sky objects.
I do not speak French well. Can the astronomy evening be held in English or will there be someone to do the translation ?The astronomy evening takes place mainly in French. It is preferable to have some notions of the French language to follow the explanations of the astronomer. Tiphaine Sonn, singer musician of the site can do a delayed translation during the evening, in case of real need.
What are the prices ?All our proposed formulas and their prices are visible on the website, you can consult them via the page Rates and reservation.
In case of bad weather, what happens to my booking ?Like any outdoor activity, we cannot be held responsible for weather conditions or any natural and/or fortuitous event that would prevent the smooth running of your activity on our site, but also your hike, if you decide to make your way on foot to our activity point. In the event of dangerous weather conditions (storms, strong winds, etc.), we reserve the right to cancel the entire activity without delay. A voice message or SMS will then be sent to you and the amount collected will be returned in full. If the weather conditions are unfavorable to astronomy : in the event of total impossibility to observe, the astronomy service will not be invoiced. If the observation is partial, the service will be invoiced in full. If you have any doubts about the weather, do not hesitate to consult the links to various sites dedicated to weather forecasts, with direct localization on Vénascle, or on our meeting point, as well as the identification of impacts real-time geo-located lightning maps ( that we make available on this website.
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